Mythical composite creatures sculpted on pillars and pilasters across temples in South Asia, yalis, also known as vyalas, are most frequently depicted in late medieval and early modern temples in southern India. Beautifully crafted yali in wood which can placed to add beauty to the home.
Customer reviews
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Design is complicated and done beautifully. They provided me at the promised time. Professional Dealings. Products in this site are outstanding.
Chettinad/Andhra/Tamilnadu style Wooden Wall Panels used to decorate your homes. Used Vangai Wood,Kurukka Kali Tree Wood and Neem Wood
+91 6385141412 Socialize Fire or Agni is a Devata and the sun is worshipped as its celestial form since time immemorial. Rig Veda is the oldest text in the world and the mention of Agni is found here too. The Agni Suktam in Rig Veda 1.1 starts with अग्निसुक्तम् - अग्निमीळेपुरोहितंयज्ञस्यदेवमृत्विजम् “Agni as priest, lord, and master of sacrifice, the giver of prosperity and fertility”.