Uruli is commonly made of clay, copper,brass, and bronze. Urulis were used in the home for cooking and in ayurveda to make medicines. Urulis are now used as decorative bowls to float flowers, a part of South Indian tradition.
Dia 4", Height 1 inch, Weight 350 gm
Dia 6", Height 1.5 inch, Weight 500 gm
Dia 8", Height 2 inch, Weight 1.5 kg
Dia 10", Height 3 inch, Weight 3.2 kg
Dia 12", Height 4 inch, Weight 4kg
Dia 14", Height 4.5 inch, Weight 4.5 kg
Dia 16", Height 5 inch, Weight 5.5 kg
Dia 18", Height 6 inch, Weight 9 kg
Products are handcrafted. The final product outcome in each product will have slight differences. Minor variations in dimension, and weight can occur.
Customer reviews
That was a good purchase. Good Heavy Uruli like olden style. Very satisfied with the purchase,
+91 6385141412 veenamuralidecors2017@gmail.com Socialize Fire or Agni is a Devata and the sun is worshipped as its celestial form since time immemorial. Rig Veda is the oldest text in the world and the mention of Agni is found here too. The Agni Suktam in Rig Veda 1.1 starts with अग्निसुक्तम् - अग्निमीळेपुरोहितंयज्ञस्यदेवमृत्विजम् “Agni as priest, lord, and master of sacrifice, the giver of prosperity and fertility”.